Saturday, September 21, 2013

What are Stanchions and How Can They Be Used?

Stanchions are items that most everyone knows but very few people know the proper name for them. Crowd control is one of the functions of stanchions. As a matter of fact, stanchions are essential for the operation of various businesses such as hotels, showrooms, restaurants, bars, clubs and even theaters. Facilities such as these depend upon crowd control stanchions in order to run their business smoothly on a daily basis. Stanchions are able to make businesses safer and more efficient, making them the heroes of many establishments. This is especially true when there are large numbers of people involved, making crowd control stanchions a vital component of any business.

If you're still unsure as to what stanchions are, you are at least aware of the facts as to why they are extremely important. Stanchions are most basically defined as posts attached to rope or another material that keeps individuals in or out of specific areas. Shape, color, style and size are just a few ways that you can better customize the stanchions for your business. Most stanchions are adjustable, especially those that you find in large public places such as hotels, airports and train stations. Based on what kind of stanchion that you purchase, you can customize many different things from the color of the post, the belt and even the velvet rope. Also, it is important to keep in mind that the length of the belt and the velvet rope, as well as the posts, may vary among the different options for crowd control stanchions. This makes it easy to determine exactly what you need for your various business operations.

The type of stanchion is also highly influenced by the type of venue that you are purchasing them for, as well as how noticeable you want them to be. Conventional posts can be found in more upscale places including restaurants, hotels and even theaters. These conventional stanchions are typically made from higher-quality posts and velvet rope.

Naturally, you can select the color of the velvet rope and the stanchions to make them seamlessly fit in with the decor of your establishment. Yet another feature you can customize is the base and top of each post, again giving you absolute control over how well a crowd control stanchion fits in with the rest of your business. Most selections for this option vary depending upon the type of business that you run. Additionally, you can have stanchions with no posts at all, as they an hook directly into the wall.

The type of crowd control stanchions that you choose for your company are irrelevant to their purpose, as all of them are effective in keeping crowds safe and organized. As a matter of fact, stanchions are effective no matter what color or accessories you choose as well. When you choose to utilize stanchions for all of their potential benefits, you are improving your business operations while keeping guest safe and business running efficiently.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Finding the right crowd control management company is really hard, when you need to install stanchions and poles to manage the massive crowd. I was in a same boat and was struggling hard to find the appropriate company. After conducting extensive research on internet and comparing the price quotes of different companies I got the breakthrough. I must say that it is now like a charm to see the increased sales and profits with no hassle and crowd management issues on my grocery store. I do recommend this service to all. Thanks
